Data Analytics Acceleration Platform
Fastest Time to Insight for Data at Any Scale
SQream is a hybrid analytics platform that gives you the critical insights you need, when you need them – on any size data.
Accelerating Total Time to Insight (TTTI) on Any Size Data

A hybrid on-prem and on-cloud platform, SQream minimizes Total Time to Insight (TTTI) for the new category of tera-to-peta-size data.
Slashing query times on time-sensitive data, SQream provides the best cost-performance solution available. See the proof in our benchmarks.

How SQream Conquers Massive Data
SQream was built to harness the raw brute-force power and high throughput capabilities of the GPU, on-premise, on the cloud or hybrid. With MPP-on-chip capabilities, the fully relational SQream DB SQL database comes with automatic tuning, ultra fast performance, class-leading compression, and extreme scalability.
Ultra-fast Ingest

SQream DB can load up to 3TB per hour, per GPU, while automatically optimizing and compressing the data

Columnar Engine

This feature allows selective access to the required subset of columns, reducing disk scan and memory I/O when compared with standard row storage. It is well-suited for parallelized compute, like the GPU.

AI-assisted Compression

SQream DB has the industry's first AI-assisted auto-compression, which figures out the best compression scheme for your actual data. This feature is made possible by the power of the GPU. SQream automatically compresses all the data it ingests, at a 5:1 ratio.

Hyperpartitioning - Chunks and Extents

SQream DB automatically splits up the storage horizontally into manageable chunks, enabling efficient usage of the hardware resources and relatively small GRAM (GPU RAM) availability in GPUs. The clever use of spooling and caching help make the most of the limited GRAM.

Built for Data Analytics at Scale
SQream DB was designed for massive, dynamic workloads. We built our algorithms to handle the most challenging scenarios, and optimized them for the largest datasets, where typical database optimizations fail.
Interface and Compiler ↓ SQream DB’s interface layer is a collection of services that control the data warehouse. It includes concurrency control, access control (object-level permissions), cluster management, and the statement compiler.
Compute and Execution ↓ The compute layer is where the actual data processing tasks are run. This includes CPU and GPU resources, controlled by the SQream DB software.
Persistent Storage ↓ The storage layer is split into the metadata layer where all routine database objects are stored, and the persistent columnar bulk data layer which is heavily optimized for raw tablescan performance.
ACID compliant ↓ SQream DB has transparent commit, rollback and recovery, with full isolation – which means your data is always safe and consistent.